Bible Studies

Bible Studies

Please note that there will be occasional periods of silence during Bible studies when students who are not close to the microphone are asking questions or making comments.  These periods of silence have been left in the recording so that it will be easier to maintain the context of the study as the speaker picks up where the student left off. 

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/22/16 What Must I Do To Be Saved? Part 3/5 Jonathan Ellis N/A VBS 6-22-2016-Jonathan-Ellis-What-Must-I-Do-To-Be-Saved-3.mp3
06/21/16 What Must I Do To Be Saved? Part 2/5 Jonathan Ellis N/A VBS 6-21-2016-Jonathan-Ellis-What-Must-I-Do-To-Be-Saved-2.mp3
06/20/16 What Must I Do To Be Saved? Part 1/5 Jonathan Ellis N/A VBS 6-20-2016-Jonathan-Ellis-What-Must-I-Do-To-Be-Saved-1.mp3
06/19/16 Walking By Faith-Part 2 Heath Stone N/A Sunday Morning Bible Class 6-19-2016-Heath-Stone-Walking-By-Faith-Part-2.mp3
06/15/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-The Promised Land Wayne Galloway N/A Wednesday Evening Study/Service 6-15-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Types-Antitypes-The-Promised-Land.mp3
06/12/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-The Kingdom-Part 2 Wayne Galloway N/A Sunday Morning Bible Class 6-12-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Type-Antitipe-Old-Kingdom-Vs-New-Continued.mp3
06/08/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-The Kingdom-Part 1 Wayne Galloway N/A Wednesday Evening Study/Service 6-8-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Types-Antitypes-The-Kingdom.mp3
06/01/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-Jesus the Priest Wayne Galloway N/A Wednesday Evening Study/Service 6-01-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Types-Antitypes-Jesus-the-Priest.mp3
05/29/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-Jesus the Prophet Wayne Galloway N/A Sunday Morning Bible Class 5-29-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Types-Antitypes-Jesus-the-Prophet.mp3
05/22/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-Hebrews 9 Wayne Galloway N/A Sunday Morning Bible Class 5-22-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Adult-Class-Types-vs-Antitypes.mp3
05/18/16 A Study of Types and Antitypes-Hebrews 8 Wayne Galloway N/A Wednesday Evening Study/Service 5-18-2016-Wayne-Galloway-Adult-Class-Type-Antitype-Hebrews-8.mp3
03/20/16 Walking by Faith Heath Stone N/A Sunday Morning Bible Class Heath_Stone-Walking_by_Faith.mp3
02/23/16 He Wept and Prayed (Neh. 1:1-4) Wayne Galloway Studies In Nehemiah N/A
02/18/16 Radical Commitment (Ezra 10:9-15) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
02/18/16 A Covenant With God (Ezra 9:1-4) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
02/02/16 Would You Have Gone Up? (Ezra 8:1) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
02/02/16 The Hand of the Lord Was Upon Him (Ezra 7:1-9) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
01/22/16 They Separated Themselves from the Nations (Ezra 6:19-22) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
01/11/16 The Prophets Prompt the Rebuilding (Ezra 5:1-5) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
01/10/16 Opposition to Rebuilding (Ezra 4) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
01/04/16 The Battle Belongs to the Lord (Dan. 10:1-9) Wayne Galloway There is a God in Heaven (Studies in the Book of Daniel) N/A
01/04/16 Daniel’s Prayer to the Lord God (Dan. 1:1-6) Wayne Galloway There is a God in Heaven (Studies in the Book of Daniel) N/A
01/02/16 A Vision of the End (Dan. 8:1-8) Wayne Galloway There is a God in Heaven (Studies in the Book of Daniel) N/A
01/02/16 Principles for Rebuilding (Ezra 3:1-7) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A
12/29/15 The Exiles Return (Ezra 1:1-4) Wayne Galloway Studies In Ezra N/A

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